Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How To Lose Weight And Keep Fat Off Forever Without Strict Diet

How many times have you heard a friend say, “I am on a diet”? Then what happens is your friend would lose some weight for a while before putting them all back on again.

I’ll bet you have also seen someone say that “Cardio is the best for losing weight”. This person would then religiously pound the treadmill but results are agonizingly slow. Soon, he gives up and gains back all the weight he had lost, and sometimes even gaining some extra kilos!

Ah, so you thought you’ve finally found the answer to permanent weight loss. You went on a strict diet and ran your heart out. You dropped kilos real quickly. But somehow, something is wrong when you look into the mirror in your birthday suit. Yes you have lost some weight, but somehow your body shape isn’t as flattering as you would like it to be. And then suddenly, you hit a plateau.

No matter how strict your diet and cardio workouts are, your weight just simply refuses to drop any further. Then horrors of horrors, you actually start to gain some weight! You get disillusioned because with the unrewarding program and soon you succumb to ‘guilt food’ more often, and the weight comes right back up once again. The program fails and you blame it on your bad genes. Why???

Here’s why. Firstly, take a good look at the title of this article. It’s to “Fend Off Fats” and not “lose weight”. My point is, by merely losing weight, you will also lose some muscle mass in the process. By losing muscles, you will lose body tone and thus your metabolism rate for burning calories will slow down. Therefore, you have got to build muscles while losing fats. You may even gain some weight because muscles are heavier than fats.

To lose fats and keep them off permanently, you have to combine healthy eating habits, incorporate cardio exercises and lift weights to build muscles. For every kg of muscles you pack, you will burn an extra 70-100 calories per day even without doing anything. Can you imagine the benefits of building up 5kg of extra muscles? You will be burning 350 to 500 extra calories a day even if you just laze around. You’ll be burning a Big Mac everyday! To further illustrate my point, 1 kg = about 7,700 calories, thus if you burn 500 calories a day because of the extra muscles you have, you will be burning off about 1 kg every 2 weeks simply because of your higher metabolism rate!

You’ll also look good, healthy and well-toned too! Is it any wonder why body builders eat so much but do not put on fat as easily?

Everyone knows that intensive cardio and strict diets cause you to lose muscle mass along with fats. So while you will lose some weight at the beginning, you will look like, well, just a smaller version of you without any muscle tone. That’s not what we want is it?

So, as you lose more and more muscles, your metabolism begins to slow down. On top of that, your body will start conserving fats and ‘eat’ your muscles for energy because it is reacting to your strict diet. What happens then is that you will hit a plateau and no matter what you do, you will not reduce anymore weight and your fats will start creeping up again. This, in a nutshell, is the ‘yo-yo’ dieting effect that we hear so much about.

Losing fats is simple. And notice that I said ‘simple’ but did not say that it is ‘easy’. My pointers will be simple to understand, but the execution will take determination and discipline on your part. It is a lifestyle change to keep the fats off permanently and you will be glad you did because you will get used to the changes in only a few weeks. By then, it will become a cultivated habit for you, especially when you are rewarded with a fitter, healthier, hunkier you, together with a glowing complexion to boot!

Here is how you do it. Simply, losing fats just means you must burn more calories than you consume. Period.

Lift weights with compound exercises – Forget those puny biceps curls and tricep push downs. Go for big muscle groups like legs, back and chest routines. Why? Because you are working with bigger parts with more mass, and that means more body parts are working, translating into more calories being expended. If you are fit, do giant sets (4 or more exercises or sets with no rest in between sets or exercises).

Here’s an example. Do only one set of each exercise with no rest in between the exercises. Choose a weight of about 60%-70% of what you normally lift and go for at least 25 reps. Do more if you can or until your muscles are fatigued, then stop. Leave the gym. The whole routine should not take you more than 40 minutes.

After thoroughly warming up, start with squats, then dip, bench press, barbell row and military press. Sounds simple? Not so. You will be huffing, puffing and sweating profusely. What is achieved? You will have combined a cardio workout with a lifting workout and your metabolism will burn for the next several hours. Do this 3 times a week with at least a day’s rest in between lifting days.

After 4-8 weeks, change the sequence of the exercises. So if you usually squat first, then squat last. Then after another 4-8 weeks, change some of the exercises, like substituting squats with dead lift, or bar bell rows with lat pull down. This is to shock your muscles so that they continue to adapt and grow.

For cardio, go for a run first thing in the morning before breakfast. If you are jogging at normal speed, sustain the jog for at least 45 minutes. If you are running at 65% to 80% of your maximum heart rate (you will be panting and unable to sing or complete a sentence while running), then 20-30 minutes will be enough. Anything more than that may cause muscle break down. You may intersperse the speed with slower jogs in between to catch your breath. Do these 5-6 times a week.

Eating habits? Just eat less of what you normally eat. For example if you have 2 slices of bread with 2 eggs in the morning, now take just one slice and an egg. Just eat half of what you eat but eat more regularly. Have 5 to 6 meals a day if you can. This is to feed your body frequently so that it will not go into starvation mode and start to conserve fats. At the same time, it will boost metabolism because your body burns calories while digesting the food. Chuck away all soft drinks, sugared drinks and stop adding sugar into your coffee and tea. Just by abstaining from sugary drinks, you may already have gotten rid yourself of 200 calories per day. Drink plenty of water instead and double the amount if you can.

Oh, by the way, all work and no play makes Jack a dull (and very tired) boy. Do choose a day to relax a week. No exercise on that day. Indulge in your favorite food if you must. Hey, pat yourself on the back and reward yourself for passing another grueling week. After all, your body needs to recover too.

As you reach your fat loss goals and you are happy with your muscular development, you can then take things a little easier. Hit the gym less frequently, have shorter runs and even relax a little in your diet. Because of your greater musculature, your body is now a fat-burning machine. You have earned that luxury.

Simple? Sure. But do you have the determination enough to lose those fats and keep them off permanently? Who said you must go on a strict diet to lose weight and keep the fat off forever? It’s your call folks!
There are a lot of people in the world who are trying to find ways to lose weight quickly. In this article I write about a simple diet that worked for me.

I have always had an ongoing battle with my own weight, however a few years ago I managed to lose those excess pounds.

I have always liked the wrong types of food and drinks and as a result have have always been on the large side. I have to be very careful what I eat as I seem to gain weight very easily. In my life I have tried many weight loss programs or diets, however I have always looked for a way of losing weight without having to resort to starving myself or by having to do huge amounts of exercise.

I am not sure if you are like me, but I have always been annoyed and frustrated with people who seem to be able to eat seemingly huge amounts of food, without getting fat. I am sure I eat half as much as these people but am still twice their size, it is not fair! That was until a couple of years ago.

I decided I needed to find my own weight loss program. I had to be realistic, I was aware that I did very little exercise and that I liked all of the wrong types of food. I loved the taste of fast food, this was only because of my busy lifestyle though. One of my biggest problems though was that I liked snack food, such as peanuts, chocolate and crisps. I also liked alcohol as this helped me to gain confidence.

I knew that most people would advise me to stop eating all of these fatty type foods, especially the pizzas and chips. They would also no doubt, advise me to join a gym and to go jogging every morning. Get real! Those gyms are full of thin people, if I go jogging I might get mugged, and I am sorry but life would not be worth living without my weekly pizza!

I decided that what I would do is to basically eat a healthy type breakfast, which would be cerial or toast. I would have a fairly light lunch, such as a sandwich, however for my evening meal I could eat whatever I wanted. The main thing and most difficult to implement would be the fact that I would be no longer eating between meals. The snacks had to go!. I am not trying to say that this was easy to do, however I had a need and was determined to lose weight.

For exercise I decided to leave the car at home, wherever possible, and walk to more places. I also started taking my children to the park more often. At the park we would play games such as football, cricket and baseball. It is amazing how much weight you can lose by having fun.

These things were what helped me to lose all of my weight and to reach a size I was happy with.

Monday, July 13, 2015

What is obesity? Obesity is a state when you take in more calories than the calories burnt. It affects your body metabolism and results in the dissolution of fat in your body. Obesity comes with many other health-related problems like irregular blood pressure, pain in joints, and many more.

It is for sure that losing weight is not an easy task.

It is the demand of recent times to lose excess body weight at the earliest. Everyone strives hard not just to wipe out their excess body weight, but also to stay healthy

Though exercise is the best remedy for dissolving extra fat of your body, it is seen that only few of us are able to avail the benefits of exercise. It can be due to many reasons like inability to exercise, laziness, medical condition, and hectic schedules. Subsequently, diet pills therapy comes in to action by providing an easier method to shelve excess body weight. Diet pills therapy is like a boon for those people who dont want to spend most of their time in exercises.

Diet pills are an innovative way to remove extra pounds from your body. Diet pills work effectively by suppressing your appetite. You can lose your excess weight when you take these diet pills in combination with mild exercises and a balanced diet. It is required to say NO to all of the following things: -

Fried Food

Fat enriched stuff like butter

Junk food like hotdogs, pizzas, and many more

Milk shakes and cold drinks

Unscheduled dietary habits

If you want to lose weight, it is important that you should set some goals. You cant lose weight significantly without goals. Diet pills play an important role in suppressing your appetite and in stimulating the metabolism of your body. A number of diet pills are available in the market to cure obesity as: -





Xenical and many more

These diet pills should be taken before meals and with a glass full of water. Also, prior consultation should be taken before your go for diet pills therapy. It is to be noted that these diet pills should not be overdosed, as overdose of these pills may affect your health in an adverse manner. Few of the sober side effects of these diet pills are dizziness, insomnia, constipation, upset mouth, and dry mouth. These side effects will disappear within a few hours.

Diet pills therapy plays an important role in losing weight more rapidly. Diet pills are useful for all whether they are indulged in exercises or not. Phentermine is one of the established diet pills available in pharmaceutical market. You can buy phentermine online by just a single click of your computer mouse.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

There are few subjects in the world that have had more written about them than how to lose weight. Sad, but true. People are simply obsessed with their weight, and are willing to try any ridiculous fad if it promises to help them shed those pounds and lose those unsightly inches.

At the moment, the fashion is for restricted-carbohydrate diets, like Atkins, the South Beach Diet and the GI Diet. These diets make foods like pasta and rice out to be the root of all evil, instead encouraging you to eat high-fat, high-protein foods like meat and dairy products. While this approach does result in weight loss for many people, its long-term health effects are, at best, unknown, with most nutritionists agreeing that such a diet would most probably be harmful if it was kept to for a long time.

In the end, the reason that people go so far to find ways of losing weight is that the one method that works is so difficult. You simply have to eat less food, and find time to exercise. Unfortunately for us, our bodies are addicted to food, and will do everything they can to manipulate us into eating more, not less its like trying to give up smoking, only theres no such thing as a food patch. More traditional weight-loss plans like diet clubs and slimming milkshakes can be effective at beating these urges, but only if you stick to them strictly.

One of the best non-fad ways to lose weight is to take up a sport as a hobby. Whether its running, football, tennis or whatever doesnt matter, as long as it gets you physically active regularly. Active people can eat huge amounts and still not get fat, as they are using all the energy every day and it only takes a surprisingly small amount of extra exercise to tip you from putting on a tiny amount of weight each day to losing a tiny amount of weight each day. Remember, the little things all add up over time.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

In todays world first impressions count and according to sociologists, that can really impact how you feel about yourself and how others respect and treat you.

Just imagine what your life would be like if you could lose unwanted weight from problem areas including your abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, chest, buttocks, double chin and lower back without tireless going to the gym or taking up surgery. Just think how much easier life would be and how much more confidence and self esteem you’d have if you met your weight loss goal and kept off those stubborn pounds once and for all.

Whether youve gained a few extra pounds that wont budge or youve been burned in the past by lousy diet aids that don’t work there is good news. Fortunately, there are prescription medications available to help a person shed pounds. Various diet pills are now sold in grocery stores and health food stores. For the most part, physicians room prefer to give weight loss prescriptions to obese individuals. Appetite suppressant drugs are the most common type of weight loss pills.

Eating less has amazing results. The easy way to reduce hunger is to pop Phentermine diet pills. Consumers can get cheap Phentermine online nowadays easily without caring much about the availibity factor. It is a kind of wonder magic for those who need to be fixed in real time. They could include anyone from models to actors to wannabe stars. Appetite suppressants such as Phentermine affect the appetite-regulating region of the brain called the hypothalamus. They work by blocking the re-uptake of the certain chemical secretions which create that feeling of fullness you get after eating a big meal. With more of these chemicals circulating in your brain, you feel full, so you eat less.

Even the most effective diet pills are only meant to be taken for a short period of time — usually six months or less, during which, one can trim up to 10 percent of ones body weight. But after six months, when the body develops a tolerance to these drugs’ effects, and weight loss remains stable, all is required is to stay fit and eat right.

Although some people have the ability to lose weight with little effort, others must adopt a strict diet and workout plan simultaneously while on drugs, to achieve a minimal weight reduction. Casual dieters or people hoping to shed a few pounds will not benefit from weight loss prescriptions. Keep in mind that weight loss medications are intended only for individuals who have a significant amount of weight to lose.

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